Things to throw away

25 Things To Throw Away Today!

Decluttering can be difficult and time-consuming, especially if you have a lot of possessions and sentimental attachments to them. One approach to decluttering is to start by removing certain types of items from your space, such as expired and broken items, duplicates, or even sentimental items that no longer hold any significant value or memories. By removing these types of things, you can make a significant dent in the clutter in your space. Here’s a list of 25 items you can start decluttering right now:

  1. Old books, magazines, or newspapers
  2. Expired food or spices
  3. Expired medications
  4. Broken or unused kitchen appliances
  5. Clothing that no longer fits or that you no longer like
  6. Old or expired makeup
  7. Expired medications
  8. Unused or broken tools
  9. Old or unused holiday decorations
  10. Outdated technology (such as old cell phones, computers, or video projectors)
  11. Worn-out or stained linens and towels
  12. Broken or unused furniture
  13. Old paperwork (such as old bills, receipts, or documents that you no longer need)
  14. Unused or expired personal care products (such as razors or toothbrushes)
  15. Old or unused toys or games that are no longer played with
  16. Old or unused craft supplies
  17. Unwanted or duplicate kitchen gadgets
  18. Expired cleaning supplies
  19. Old or unused candles or air fresheners
  20. Old or unused phone chargers or cables
  21. Unused or broken sports equipment
  22. Old or unused office supplies (such as file folders, pens, or pencils)
  23. Unused or expired car supplies (such as old motor oil or windshield wiper fluid)
  24. Old or unused decorative items (such as picture frames, glassware, or pottery)
  25. Unused or expired toiletries (such as shampoo, body lotion, or sunscreen)

Things to throw away

Consider donating unwanted or duplicated items

If you declutter items that are still in good condition, such as clothes, appliances, or furniture, you can consider donating them to a local charity or organization. Donating gently used items can help those in need and can also be a way to give back to your community.

Places such as shelters and schools are often in need of items such as clothes, books, and household items. Consider contacting them directly to inquire about their needs.

And if you need help decluttering…

Decluttering can be a complex process, but it can be very rewarding in the end. Removing clutter from your space can help you feel more organized and in control of your life, which will also improve your physical and mental well-being. Additionally, decluttering can free up space and make it easier to find the things you need, and it can also help you create a more pleasant and visually appealing environment.

However, if you feel overwhelmed and with no idea how to start, consider getting professional help. With a combined 25+ years of professional home organizing expertise, our ClutterBGone team will provide a courteous, sensitive, client-focused experience. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation. We’ll transform your life with a lasting change and transformation so you can enjoy a clean, organized, and clutter-free environment.

Get Your Senior to Reduce Clutter

7 Ways to Help Your Senior Reduce Clutter

When a senior’s home is overflowing with stuff, it can become a safety hazard. For example, while some falls are caused by physical decline, clutter in one’s surroundings can raise the odds of an accident, regardless of the senior’s condition. In this article, we’ll pinpoint a few strategies you can use to help a loved one reduce clutter in a comfortable and manageable way:

1. Have an open conversation

Bringing up the topic of clutter can be a challenging task. However, if it has become a safety hazard for your elder, it is something that you must discuss. Acknowledge the issue as tactfully as possible and offer help. If your loved one accepts the offer, it’s time to start working on an organizational plan.

Conversation about a Decluttering Plan

2. Make a plan

Before you begin the decluttering project, check the house and make a list of what needs to be done. Investigate every room and take note of all potential safety hazards. The clutter may obstruct exits, cause structural damage, or hide issues like mildew. Once you have a clear picture of what you need to organize and declutter, make a simple strategy. You can, for instance, go room by room, and create three separate boxes for things your loved one wants to keep, donate, or throw out. You can find a few extra tips in this article.

3. Focus on the furniture

When starting the decluttering process, make sure the house is designed in such a way as to ensure your loved one’s comfort and safety in all areas of it. As such, always try to look at furniture from a safety perspective. For example, you might want to remove furniture that is too low or has sharp edges.

4. And hazardous items

Likewise, there are many hazardous items that should be removed or replaced in a senior’s home. Here are a few examples:

  • Old rugs
  • Old or broken chairs/couches
  • Power tools or equipment
  • Old medications
  • Expired food
  • Unused electronics and wires
  • And so on.

5. Make a place for everything

Every item in the home should have its place. That means books should be on a shelf, kitchenware should be in the kitchen, and toiletries should be in the bathroom. Misplacing items can cause the house to become cluttered and, consequently, make your loved one forget where things should go. Helping your loved one establish a place for everything will make the whole house more organized.

6. Understand their wishes

Although this might feel like a sensitive conversation, you can take this opportunity to talk to your senior and document their specific wishes for heirlooms and valuable items. Do they want to donate it to charity? Leave it to a relative? Be sure that these wishes are then added to your senior’s will so that there are no discrepancies down the road. 

7. Get professional help

Many companies, like ClutterBGone, can assist you in culling through your loved one’s belongings, deciding what to keep, discard, give away or donate. A professional organizer can ensure everything is safe and comfortable for your senior, boosting their overall health and well-being.

At the end of the day, decluttering is about quality of life. If you want your loved one to have a safe and clean environment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of experts. We are always ready to help seniors and their families by providing professional advice and the best decluttering services.

6 Ideas For Getting Your Family On Board With Decluttering

Do you feel like you’re the only one who’s focused on organizing and decluttering the house? Your family might not be as enthusiastic as you are about decluttering. And who can blame them? Decluttering can be time-consuming, challenging, and quite tedious. However, employing the correct strategies can turn the situation around and motivate your family to tackle this journey with you. Take note of our tips to help convince your family members to join the decluttering process:

1. Communicate with your family

Before you engage your family in your decluttering project, sit them down and have an open conversation. Help them understand why you want to declutter and what you hope to achieve from this process. The best way to get them onboard is by letting them know your feelings and goals.

2. Lead by example

If you want to get your family fully on board, rather than telling them what they have to do, lead by example! Start working on your own cluttered spaces. Declutter your wardrobe, your own toiletries, books, magazines, and so on. When your children and partner see your progress, they will be a lot more willing to start decluttering their own spaces.

3. Turn it into a challenge

If you find it hard to motivate your family, challenges can be a fun way to get everyone on board! Especially if you have kids, this can make a huge difference in how they commit to your project. You can, for example, make a 30-Day Challenge in which each family member has to get rid of something every day. The one who manages to complete the challenge gets a prize, like a trip to the movies or a pizza date.

Decluttering as a Family

4. Respect everyone’s space

Never forget: you must be sensitive to the spaces and possessions of your loved ones. You won’t be able to get your family on board with decluttering by attacking them and insisting they get rid of their stuff. Let them have their own designated space for what they find valuable. It may not be valuable to you, but that doesn’t mean it is not to them.

5. Offer your help and guidance

Sometimes your family may be on board with decluttering but don’t know where or how to start. A great way to get them on board with decluttering is to offer them help and guidance. For example, if you see your child frustrated with their toys being everywhere, that might be the time to offer to help them declutter their room. After all, you’re all on the same team working towards the goal of riding your home of clutter – support is always welcome!

6. Keep it up!

Decluttering isn’t a once off event. So make sure to set a good example for your kids, partner, and whoever it is that you feel could use a couple of lessons in organization and tidiness. Wash the dishes as soon as they go in the sink, hang your laundry as it comes out of the dryer, or show how you love keeping your thighs organized and tidy.

Decluttering can be overwhelming, and getting your family on board with this journey can be an uphill task. If you find it too difficult, you can, as an alternative, hire a professional service to help you get the environment you want. At ClutterBGone, we offer you a free telephone consultation so that you can tell us all about your goals for a clean and comfortable atmosphere. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!

Clutter Free Christmas Gifts

Have Yourself a Minimalistic Christmas – 10 Gift Ideas That Don’t Cause Clutter

Christmas is one of those times of the year when even the most organized and minimal of homes can get out of control very easily. So if you want to keep your place clutter-free during the most wonderful time of the year, it’s important to seek simplicity and usefulness in all things.

When it comes to gifts, try to focus on value and what makes people happy instead of obsessing over material items. Choosing meaningful gifts that do not cause clutter is great for people who have everything, for minimalists who want nothing, and for kids who already have too much.

Whether the gift is for you, for a family member, a friend, or for someone you know, get inspired with our list of suggestions:

1. A subscription box with consumable gifts

Over the past years, one option has become quite popular for Christmas: subscription boxes. As such, there are plenty of options to choose from nowadays. Coffee and tea, hot sauces, infused bottles of vinegar, chocolates, spices, bath bombs… You can really find personalized options for every taste!

2. Food baskets

Another way to give your friends a consumable, clutter-free Christmas gift is to build them a personalized food basket. Just think about the things they enjoy the most. Is it wine? Chocolate? Spicy food? Candy? You can mix and match however you like.

Holiday Gift Basket

3. A Spa package

Spas are great no clutter gifts that can help people relax over the holidays. And let’s be honest: who wouldn’t like a relaxing body massage or time spent in a sauna? And the best part is usually you can select the package and precisely what it entails.

4. A workshop

What about giving someone the gift of discovering a new hobby or craft? From peaceful pottery sessions to cooking classes or perfume-making workshops, there are endless options for you to contemplate. And the best part? You can also sign up and share the experience with your friend!

Christmas Cooking Class

5. Membership and subscriptions

Yulu, Netflix, Birchbox, Disney Plus, Headspace, or even a specific magazine… Memberships and subscriptions are always convenient and special options. Moreover, it is also a great idea to surprise someone you can’t see in person.

6. Tickets for an event

If you know your friend’s taste remarkably well, you can gift tickets to a concert, show, performance, band, or artist. Investigate which events will take place in the coming months, and plan the perfect surprise!

7. Dinner gift card

Is your friend a true foodie? Then you don’t have to waste any more time: a dinner gift card is a great option! Look for restaurants in the area that offer lunch/dinner vouchers for two. If you don’t find any, you can also contact a restaurant you like and ask them to prepare a personalized gift card.

8. A professional photoshoot

Contact your favorite local photographer and ask if they offer gift certificates. Most of them will, and they will help you prepare the perfect experience for a loved one. It could be an outdoor couple photoshoot, a family one, or simply a fun experience in a studio!

9. Paying for a part of a mutual trip

Have you ever dreamed about going abroad or taking a road trip through Canada together? Then start planning this Christmas by paying for your friend’s portion of the trip! Not only is this a good holiday gift, but it is also a great way for you to bond!

10. A charitable gift

There are so many people in need. And we can all become better and more giving people by taking the money we would give to someone who already has everything, and instead giving to someone in need on their behalf.

The gift-giving season can be difficult for those living minimally, but with these ten clutter-free gift ideas, you can give loved ones something personal without taking up space in their home! Besides, remember that giving a gift like an experience or a donation can change someone’s life.

Decluttering with ADHD

5 Tips To Start Decluttering With ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects people’s behavior. People with ADHD usually feel restless, have trouble concentrating, and may act on impulse. Considering this, decluttering when you have ADHD can be quite challenging. But, with the right tools and mindset, it isn’t impossible. If you have ADHD, there are several small but manageable actions you can take that will help you clear away the clutter. In this article, we’ll share a few ideas.

Why is it so hard to declutter when you have ADHD?

People with ADHD are known for their inability to focus at length on the task at hand. Yet, many other symptoms of this condition can make it extremely hard for those with ADHD to declutter and keep an organized home. Abandoning projects, for example, is quite common in people with ADHD, as they often find it tough to start, keep, and prioritize tasks. Moreover, those living with this condition may also find it more difficult to let things go, especially if they’re attached to a memory or emotion. In the long run, these inabilities may lead to extremely cluttered homes.

If you have ADHD and want to start a decluttering project, here are 5 important tips to keep in mind:

Tip 1: Make a plan

Sometimes, the most challenging part of getting organized is knowing where and how to begin. For that reason, making a plan can be of great help. Consider making a list of everything you want to declutter, be it a specific room or your entire house. You can also write down the specific goals you want to accomplish. After that, add these actions to your calendar and try to stick with it the best you can.

Decluttering with ADHD

Tip 2: Start small

Decluttering can feel overwhelming, especially when you have many areas to organize or clear out. The best thing you can do if you’re feeling this way? Start small. Pick a closet to go through or one drawer in the kitchen. This might not seem like much, but a little does go a long way. By starting small, you are able to better gauge how long you can handle a decluttering task.

Tip 3: Reward yourself

Decluttering your space can be a lot of work. As such, setting up a rewards system to help you stay motivated and take pride in your accomplishments can be of great help! Consider which goals you want to achieve. For example, if you manage to declutter the whole room during a designated time, you’re allowed to treat yourself to your favorite dessert or a special item you’ve been eyeing. Celebrate your achievements!

Tip 4: Let go of perfection

Shift the focus to function rather than perfection. Before diving into a decluttering project, keep in mind that the whole goal is to make your life more functional – not to add more stress. Remember to stop and celebrate when you reach an attainable goal. Good enough is sufficient. It’s not settling. Respect your pace and let go of perfection.

Tip 5: Ask for help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure that you’ll manage to stay focused, ask a friend to join you for a 30-minute cleaning blitz or a Sunday of dancing and dusting! The purpose is to fight distraction and have someone on your side for the decluttering battle. Professional organizers can fill this role, too, as they know all the right tools and strategies to make this process easier.

ADHD brains are more prone to clutter for several reasons, from poor working memory to weak impulse control. However, with the right tools and support, people with ADHD can successfully tackle any decluttering project.

If you need someone to help you declutter and organize your spaces so that you can enjoy a clean, clutter-free environment, don’t hesitate to contact us at ClutterBGone for a free consultation! We will be delighted to help you win this fight!

Avoid Clutter and Overspending

Black Friday Is Here: 5 Tips To Avoid Clutter And Overspending

Each year, millions of Canadians get ready for the most popular and exciting shopping spree: Black Friday. Thanks to news attention and endless streams of advertisements, more people than ever know about Black Friday and are ready to show up to major retailers (or simply refresh their online carts) to get the best deals across all kinds of categories.

The sales and discounts on this day are something that the whole world is looking forward to, which is why it is perfectly normal to feel tempted to do some shopping.

However, if you’re trying to lead a more minimalistic and clutter-free life, this event might leave you wondering: is it possible to make the most out of Black Friday without overspending or going overboard with more stuff? We have a few tips for you:

Tip 1: Set a realistic budget

Black Friday bargains aren’t really good deals if they put you in the red. To avoid financial troubles, take a look at your bank accounts and be realistic about how much you can actually spend. Moreover, remember that you might want to save some of your budget for Cyber Monday. This promotional day centers purely around the internet, and you’ll get a boatload of great deals to browse. So, make sure you don’t blow your budget before Cyber Monday rolls around, or you might miss out on some great deals.

Avoid Clutter and Overspending

Tip 2: Make a list of things you need

Before you hit the stores or your favorite e-commerce pages, list the items you need. Doing so will help you avoid bringing future clutter home. If you see something that isn’t on your list but feels too good to pass up, remember that it’s only a deal if it’s something you need, something you know you will use, or something you absolutely love.

Before putting something in the shopping cart, ask yourself: “Do I really need this? Will I use it? When? Do I love it?”.

Tip 3: Focus on quality, not quantity

Clutter happens when we have more stuff than will fit in our home and available storage space. So when retailers use stock-up tactics as part of their Black Friday offerings, understand that you’re likely headed into a clutter trap. Instead of seeking out the buy-more-save-more deals, use Black Friday to invest in quality items you need or would like to gift someone.

Tip 4: Make sure you’re not falling for a marketing trap

People get carried away on Black Friday. They’ll buy anything with a bright discount sticker, but they don’t always get the best deal. In fact, if you do some research you might find that some deals on Black Friday are no better than the normal ones you would find on any day of the week. Do your research ahead of time and make sure you’re not falling for a marketing trap.

Tip 5: And what about skipping Black Friday?

There are many reasons that make us believe we can’t miss Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. But, in reality, we can. So this year, ask yourself why you’re really shopping during Black Friday. If you do not need anything, does it make sense to spend your time and money scouring for the best deals? Shopping can make you feel happy for a while, but it can also bring stress and unnecessary clutter to your life. It’s perfectly okay to take this year off from shopping – and might benefit not only your budget but your well-being, too.

It is easy to fall prey to the excitement of Black Friday. However, if you want to stop clutter from entering your house, you must commit to only buying what you intended and skip the rest – or not buying anything at all. Even though most of us love to get a bargain, events like Black Friday encourage people to buy things they don’t really need and can’t afford. Be mindful of that before hitting the shops!

Duplicate pairs of shoes

How To Declutter Duplicates

Our homes are overflowing with duplicate items. It’s all fueled by the thought that if one is good, then more must be great. But in reality, it’s not. Select any number of items, multiply them by two, and you’ve got twice the amount of stuff. While duplicates of one item may seem harmless, consider for a moment what multiple duplicates will do for a single filing cabinet, closet, or room. That’s a lot of extra stuff to deal with daily, isn’t it?

To start decluttering duplicates, the first thing to do is be as realistic as possible about your needs. How many spatulas do you use at a time? One. And how many pairs of black socks can one actually need? Probably not as many as you currently have. But of course, some duplicates serve a purpose, and the size of your family will determine the right amount of each item to keep. The idea here is to open your mind to thinking about places where you collect too much. Here’s how you can start decluttering those:

Duplicate spatulas in kitchen drawer

Locate your useless duplicates

Think about areas in your home that may be overrun with duplicates. Good candidates for eliminating duplicates include sheets, towels, cleaning supplies, gardening tools, home office supplies, toys, books, and kitchen accessories. Here’s a list that will help you pinpoint duplicates more easily:

  • Kitchen Utensils: spatulas, whisks, spoons, rolling pins, mugs, peelers, measuring cups, storage containers
  • Kitchen Accessories: items that do the same thing, such as rice cookers, slow cookers, and instapots
  • Drawers: pens, pencils, notepads, bag clips, take-out menus, rubber bands, scissors
  • Closets: purses, shoes, jackets, t-shirts, scarves, hats, sandals, flip-flops, heels, boots, sneakers
  • Linens: sheets, blankets, bath and hand towels, beach towels, washcloths
  • Children’s Toys: puzzles, balls, sets of blocks, books, dolls, puppets, stuffed toys
  • Hobby Materials: tools, paints, sticks, brushes, fabrics
  • Sports Equipment: boards, skates, shoes, boots, balls, sticks, bats

Be honest about whether or not one is enough

Many factors play into how many items you should keep, especially those related to your family’s needs and dynamics. Some people keep only one set of sheets per bed. They wash and dry and return to the bed on laundry day. While that’s feasible for some families, it is absolutely impossible for others.

So, as we already mentioned, it is extremely important that you understand your reality before decluttering. To make things easier, you can begin by decluttering more personal items, such as clothes and accessories, and then slowly start dealing with areas/objects that concern the whole family. Just keep in mind that, the less stuff you own, the easier it is to keep things in order.

Do you feel like you’re living under the burden of clutter? Do you trip over things, can’t find what you need, and end up wasting money all because you have too much clutter in your home? One of the easiest things you can do to make quick progress is to think about duplicates. However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or can’t find the time to begin the process, it’s probably better to hire a professional service to assist you. At CluttlerBGone, we offer you a free telephone consultation so that you can tell us all about your goals for a clean and comfortable environment. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!

Curb Online Shopping

5 Ways To Curb An Online Shopping Habit

Online shopping is incredible. It’s convenient, quick, and easy, and it doesn’t even require you to get up off the couch – or out of bed! Moreover, entering a card number online became so ridiculously easy that no one thinks twice before clicking on “proceed to payment”.

However, online shopping can be extremely costly when you make unplanned purchases, go over the budget, or buy things you don’t really need or want. Even when you know there are many better ways to spend your time and money, it can still be hard to stop. As a result, you usually end up accumulating unnecessary things, along with guilt and regret. So let’s look at 5 strategies you can use to curb your online shopping habit:

Block the online stores

Scrolling through an online shop might give you a few minutes to unwind, but if you end up buying something you don’t need or can’t afford, it’s probably time to find a better way to relax. Thankfully, there are several apps that can help you, such as StayFocused or LeechBlock, through which you can block specific websites during specific times.

Delete shopping apps

While most shops also have websites, they’re typically not built to cater to the same level of impulsiveness as apps. Therefore, if you have shopping apps on your phone, it’s time to hit the “delete” button! By removing highly engaging shopping apps from your device, you limit the access brands have when it comes to your attention.

Online Shopping Apps

Remove your saved credit cards

Convenience makes us all easy prey to guilty pleasures such as online shopping. And since our devices conveniently store the passwords to our credit cards, buying anything is literally a click or two away. A good idea to avoid this urge is to “forget” your credit card details online. This can be as easy as clearing your cookies and caché or removing your saved credit cards from your browser.

Make yourself wait

Most people make unplanned purchases when they see an item has gone on sale or when something catches their eye while browsing. And while it’s OK to treat yourself once in a while, making frequent unplanned purchases can quickly affect your budget… and add to the clutter! To avoid making hasty decisions, try to implement a mandatory waiting period before you buy something online. You might find that, after as little as 24 hours, you no longer feel the urge to buy that item you wanted so badly!

Understand your urges

It’s helpful to remember that shopping is, quite often, entirely psychological. 90% of the time, we don’t even need the things we buy online. Instead, we make purchases because it makes us instantly happy. Buying something new is a way of distracting ourselves from uncomfortable feelings, and online shopping only amplifies this issue. Our immediate and easy access to online stores means we can make instant purchases and instantly self-soothe. Knowing this, the next time you feel the urge to buy something, pay attention to what is triggering you. Understanding the mental process behind this need can prevent unnecessary purchases.

Online shopping has many perks. It saves the time and hassle of in-person shopping, which is incredibly convenient if you have a busy life. However, many people frequently spend more than they planned, ending up with debts and an unnecessary accumulation of material goods that in no way contributes to a peaceful and clutter-free lifestyle. The trick here is to become more aware of our motivations and intentional with our spending. That is one of the most powerful ways we can create freedom in our lives. The more you remember this, the easier it will be to walk away next time you feel the impulse to “add to cart”.

Clutter-free Halloween

Clutter-Free Ideas For A Simple (And Fun) Halloween

For many people, Halloween is the most wonderful time of the year. After all, it comes with a whole lot of fun: scary movies and stories, haunted houses, seasonal sweets, spooky decorations, costume parties, and of course, the mythical night of trick-or-treating. However, with all the costumes, candles, decorations, and trinkets, the clutter situation can get quickly out of hand in our homes. If you’re trying your best to keep a neat, organized, and clutter-free environment, here are a few ideas for enjoying Halloween without making a mess:

Pumpkins and Squashes

Pumpkins and squashes have become a symbol inseparable from Halloween. If you decide to carve a few pumpkins or squashes to make jack-o’-lanterns, you can compost them afterward. No residual clutter! And if you just decorate the outside, you can peel them and make a delicious meal later on. The great thing about these fruits is that they last a long time without rotting. You can use them to decorate your house during the whole month and eat them once Halloween is over.

Paper Decorations That Can Be Recycled

There are so many fun things you can make for Halloween with paper! With only paper, scissors and glue, you can create flying bats, ghosts, skeletons, and all sorts of scary monsters. In addition, this is also a great activity to do with the whole family. After Halloween, you can simply recycle the decorations and forget they ever existed!

Paper Halloween Decor

Door Decoration

Decorating your door is a great way to show off your love for Halloween, without making a mess inside the house. Moreover, with a small amount of effort, your door can transform your house into the talk of the neighborhood! You can wrap your front door with black paper and decorate it with white spider webs, create a cyclops monster by using one big eyeball decal and some colored butcher paper or simply add little paper spiders to it. Fun, inexpensive, and clutter-free!

Costumes Made of “Real Clothes”

Aren’t you tired of cheap-looking costumes from the store that never are worn again? This year, you could try to use costume elements you already have or things you can reuse as regular clothing. And if you really want an authentic look with your costume, you can opt to only purchase a few key accessories that will bring the look together.

… or Borrowed!

As an alternative, you can always borrow from family, friends, or stores. This way, you will save money and keep your house free from clutter. Furthermore, you can also borrow Halloween books, music, and movies from the library to enjoy the festivities without giving up storage space in your home.

 Focus Pocus!

It’s normal to feel tempted to decorate your house and buy all sorts of decorations related to Halloween. But you must stay focused and resist the impulse – especially if you’re embarking on a decluttering journey. Borrowed costumes and media and temporary decor you won’t have to store afterward until next year is key to getting into the mood without spending too much or creating useless clutter.

And if there’s nothing as terrifying for you as the clutter you can’t really seem to manage, don’t forget that our ClutterBGone team is here for you!  We will be delighted to offer you a free telephone consultation so that you can tell us all about your goals for a clean and comfortable environment. Decluttering doesn’t have to be scary!

decluttering before moving

How To Declutter Your Home When Moving

Let’s cut to the chase: moving into a new house can be very stressful. And, as most people admit, it’s only when you do so that you realize how much stuff you own – and how futile and unnecessary most of it is.

And even if you think your home is not that cluttered, once you start the process, you might be surprised to find that you own a lot more stuff than you ever thought. Chances are, you have a ton of items lying around that you barely remember at all.

Packing your belongings is the most time-consuming and challenging part of the relocation process, and that is why it should always be preceded by decluttering.

Decluttering before moving to a new house allows you to take inventory of everything you own and only keep what you truly need and use. In short, decluttering will save you valuable time, money, and effort. Let us help you make the process easier with a list of things you should purge in each room:

The Kitchen

Expired food, sauce packets, old cookware, broken tools and utensils, cookbooks… In the kitchen area, you need to get rid of anything that is broken, mismatched, surplus, or simply never used. Kitchens are always full of “what if” and “just in case” items, but you should only keep the things you realistically use and need regularly.

decluttering the kitchen

Living Room

Living rooms are shared spaces that collect items from every person in your household. Although it may not seem like it, it is one of the most difficult areas to declutter. Here, you must check for old books, DVDs, VHS, tapes, and cassettes that have surely fallen into oblivion by everyone. Game consoles, DVD players, useless controllers, and magazines should also be reviewed.

The Bathrooms

Similar to what happens with kitchens, bathrooms accumulate items with a shelf life. That’s why you should begin by checking your medicine cabinet, vanity drawers, and under-sink storage. Chances are, you will find a lot of expired medicine in those places, along with old cosmetics and beauty supplies that no longer serve you.


Here what you need to worry about are the closets and dressers. Get all your clothes, shoes, jewelry, and accessories out. Anything that no longer fits, you haven’t worn in over a year, or you simply no longer like or want should be donated or sold.

Home Office

If you have a home office, this space is very likely filled with old paperwork, old cellphones, and other electronics gathering dust in a drawer, along with instruction manuals, magazines, broken pens, and all sorts of useless tools. Time to get rid of those!

Other Things To Consider

After going through each room, there’s another subject you need to consider: your current furniture. Will all of it fit in your new home? If you’re downsizing, this question will become vital to your decluttering process. Furniture is bulky and heavy – so be sure to only take what you truly need in this new chapter. And finally, another category that seems to accumulate before you even know it is home decor. This includes holiday decorations, centerpieces, artwork, and all sorts of items that you strategically place in your home to give it a touch of personality. Remember that the pieces you have may not fit or even work in your new space. This is a great opportunity to review everything and discard what you no longer need.

And if you feel like decluttering and organizing your belongings is just too much work, you can always think about hiring a professional service to assist you. At CluttlerBGone, we offer you a free telephone consultation so that you can tell us all about your decluttering goals. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!