
clean up the kitchen

How To Keep Your Home Organized

Your home is now organized – the grunt work of organizing has been done! Perhaps you hired a professional organizer, or you tackled it on your own – either way – good job! I bet you feel more relaxed and energized in your newly organized space.

We find that we get asked this next question a lot. My home is now organized and looks and functions the way I want it to – so how do I keep it this way?

We’ve listed a few tips for you below that we have found to be quite helpful when it comes to keeping your space looking great.

Implement 5-Minute Organizing

Staying organized is a matter of developing good habits. If you don’t incorporate a few minutes per day of organizing, even the most organized person will suffer. Take just 5 minutes per day to tidy the counter, straighten the blankets and pillows on the couch, file, sort or recycle any mail laying around. Make your bed, tidy the shoes at the entranceway. All of these small tasks add up to bigger tasks before we know it if not dealt with more consistently.

Give Everything A Home

Evaluate the space you have. Evaluate what you actually use, how often you use it and where you use it. This process allows you to give every item a place where it belongs. Then, every time you use that item, put it back where it belongs. This will cut back dramatically how much clutter and disorganization you have around the home. Especially since things are coming in and going out on a consistent basis as life changes.

stay organized make your bed

Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash

Make Your Bed Each Morning

We touched on the importance of making your bed in the 5-minute organizing point above. But it’s so important that we wanted to list it twice! In the 2014 commencement speech at the University of Texas in Austin, Admiral McRaven shared his thoughts on the matter. “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another,” he said. “By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.” A made bed just looks and feels better; increasing your overall levels of stress and betters your mood.

clean up the kitchen

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash

Clean Up The Kitchen After Dinner

Dinner has been enjoyed (hopefully!), you’ve taken a few needed moments to relax and unwind and now the sink full of dirty dishes and the messy counter top are starring you in the face. The last thing you want to do is clean up the kitchen at the end of a long day. You may find yourself saying things like ‘It can wait until the morning’, but when morning comes and you’re looking at the mess, your stress levels instantly rise and your frustrated with the mess. Do yourself a favour and simply clean up after dinner. It only takes a few moments.

By implementing these tips into your everyday routines, you’ll be on the right track to maintaining your organized spaces. Soon, these tips will become habit and long, overwhelming and stressful organizing days will be a thing of your past!

Of course, if you need some extra guidance and support – we are always here to help!

tips for helping the elderly move

Tips For Helping the Elderly Move

Making the decision to move an elderly family member out of their home is difficult but is more often than not necessary for reasons of health and safety. Below you will find important tips for a smooth transition.

Tip 1 Helping The Elderly Move: Communication

This is by far the most important point in the beginning. Open and honest communication about why the move is necessary and brainstorm together what will work best. Always bearing in mind that your relative is likely to have very mixed emotions about moving. Validating their emotions is important. Be understanding and really listen to their desires. Together, set up a concise plan.

Tips for helping the elderly move

Tip 2 Helping The Elderly Move: Enlist Support

Reach out to other family members to help with the move, the more the merrier as they say. Also consider the support of a professional organizer. They are skilled in this type of situation and have a lot to offer in terms of advice as well as strategies for an easier transition.

Tip 3 Helping The Elderly Move: Clean and Organize

As you begin to sort and pack be sure to clean the items before storing or taking them to the new home. Some items will be harder to part with than others, this is true of anybody but for someone who may have a lifetime of memories in their home it is daunting. Listen with patience to the stories the items have and offer reassurance that things that are not going with then will be well looked after.

Tip 4 Helping The Elderly Move: Be Aware of Emotions

You’ve planned, you’ve packed and moving day has arrived. Be aware of the emotional state of your elderly family member and understand that it will be a difficult day. If your elderly relative is moving into an assisted living situation work with the home to plan what the day will look like. Many places will have supports in place for the move, there may be activities for distraction and they may also be paired with a new buddy for the day to introduce them to their new surroundings. If possible it may help to arrange furniture as closely as possible as it was in the old home. Ensure that photos are hung and important items are put away.

This is a tough transition for all and it isn’t over the day the move happens. You will want to keep a close eye on your relative over the following months as the emotional fallout can be heavy and overwhelming.

If you are facing the challenge of helping your elderly parents “smart size” into homes that are manageable, often emotional ties to furniture and keepsakes make it difficult and challenging for you and your parents to make decisions. We often hear the question “how do I even begin to sort through my treasured items and memories?” That’s when we can step in. Reach out if you need support.

Tips On How To Clear The Clutter And Get Organized

Staying organized can be quite essential to your daily life – but yet, as we all know, it’s not always easy to keep a clutter-free space. Here, we hope to help you with a few tips on how to clear the clutter and get organized.

Tips on how to clear the clutter and get organized

Clutter & Organizational Tip 1: Sort Sort Sort!

One of the most significant issues for people looking to de-clutter their space is realizing that they have much more than they actually  need. As you know, we tend to accumulate a lot of things throughout our lives, and sometimes, (a lot of the time) we might not even use half of them! Is it worth keeping piles of things you no longer use or appreciate? Only you can answer this question. If you’re looking for a fresh, clutter-free environment, the best thing you can do is to sort through your stuff and try to get rid of those items that you no longer need to take up space anymore.

Clutter & Organizational Tip 2: Don’t slack on your good habits

Now that your de-cluttering journey is well under way, it’s important to stay focused on the task. Many people, unfortunately, tend to lose track of their commitment, and as a result, they end up back at square one and disorganization sets in again quick. Staying organized is not hard if you remember to keep your things tidy on a daily basis. This means putting things back in their designated space once you are finished with it. Think of it as one of those important daily habits, such as brushing your teeth. You’ll get so used to keeping a decluttered environment, it will just become second nature.

Clutter & Organizational Tip 3: Ask for help Tips on how to clear the clutter and get organized

Sometimes, it’s quite hard to make it on your own when it comes to organizing your space and keeping a clutter-free routine. Thankfully, you can get someone else to help! Family members or friends could be of assistance, and if you think you need an outsider’s outlook, you could always consider hiring an organizing professional. We help home owners and small businesses de-clutter and organize their spaces so they can enjoy a clean, clutter free environment. We’re honoured that our clients invite us to come into their homes and small businesses. That’s a huge leap of faith and we appreciate that trust. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and genuinely unhappy with any of your spaces, we can help you get organized, de-cluttered and provide a positive, lasting change and transformation.

declutter newly listed house

How To Declutter Your Newly Listed House

So, you’ve just listed your house and now you’re eagerly awaiting to show it off! You might be wondering what to do next? If you want to make sure that you are giving people the best possible impression of your listed property, you need to understand that appearances matter a lot. A cluttered home might appear to be much smaller, not to mention colder and more chaotic. This might fail to give people a proper view of the full potential of your space, and as a result, you might miss out on a lot of amazing opportunities. Keep reading to learn more about how we can help you declutter your newly listed house!

Remove as many items as possible declutter newly listed house

If you want to show off all the space in your home at its best, you should aim to remove as many items as possible from your house, before you show it to people. Some homeowners even go as far as booking storage units or pods, so that they can temporarily transfer some of their superfluous items, particularly if they still don’t have a suitable living arrangement or a place where they can unload some of their material. In addition to that, other people leave some of their items in their new homes, or with relatives and friends on a temporary basis. Better yet, why not go through your items and determine what you need verse what you can donate or get rid of to help off-load a large number of items. This is a great way to remove clutter from your newly listed house.

Keep it tidy

A tidier home will make a much more positive impression. Make an effort to keep things tidy, and compartmentalize your space, so that each room shines. For example, don’t keep a massive pile of old magazines on your kitchen counter: let people grasp the size of that space, and what it is all about!

Don’t use your front porch as a storage area for bulky items that won’t fit inside: keep it clean and clutter-free!

We could go on and on with similar examples, but I bet you’re entirely understanding the idea by now. Add value to each space, by making sure that it truly lives up to its full potential.

decluttering newly listed home

Use lighting to highlight your space

As you might know, a brighter space might often appear bigger and cleaner. By contrast, a poorly lit space might often come off as a much more cluttered and cave-like environment. If you want to make sure that you are adding the right value to every room of your house, make sure that everything is well-lit. If possible, use natural light as much as you can. This is the best type of light, and people always love to see how much natural brightness can come into your home.

If you’ve just listed your home, or preparing to do so in the near future – and need a little guidance and support in how best to de-clutter your space and prepare it for showings – we would love to help! Contact us today for a consultation.

organized tax filing system

How To Stay Organized At Tax Time

Getting organized at tax time can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be difficult.

It’s time to tackle that messy documents drawer under your desk and get organized for tax time. The biggest secret to getting prepared for the busy tax period is to keep your documentation organized all year round. Follow these great tips to make tax time a lot less stressful!

How to stay organized at tax time: Create A Filing System

Half the stress during tax time comes from trying to locate files. Start your financial year off fresh by setting up an organized tax filing systemorganized filing system. Here are just some of the ways to make your job easier come tax time:

  • Place your file system in a home office, or somewhere within easy reach of where you conduct business affairs.
  • Purchase an accordion folder to file tax-related documents.
  • Labels are your best friends! Label everything, from folders to documents. Make every document, folder, and file, clear and easy to sort through.
  • If you’re an independent contractor, consultant, or run a small business, most likely you itemize your tax deductions. If you don’t keep everything organized, filing deductions can be very stressful and time-consuming. To make it easier, create a filing system where every different type of document has its own folder and an attached description.

How to stay organized at tax time: Get Your Receipts In Order

Tracking down receipts can be a very stressful process. Many people end up tearing their hair out by the end of the tax period. There are a couple of things that you can do during the year to make it as seamless as possible.

  • Label receipts – this is an easy way to categorize your documents and make them easier to identify when filing your taxes. Write down the reason for the expense of your receipt when you make your purchase. This will make filing your taxes a breeze!
  • Go paperless – whether you run your own business or have a 9-5 job. Chances are you will need to file an How to stay organized at tax time save your receiptsassortment of different receipts. However, during the year many receipts get misplaced or the ink can fade and make the receipt illegible. Start uploading your receipts online! There’s a lot of great software where you can scan receipts and keep them in an online account. Many even allow you to take a photo and upload them right from the convenience of your phone. Having all your receipts in one place as a clearly legible scan is invaluable.

How to stay organized at tax time: Online Forms

If you often give to charity, it’s a good idea to start a spreadsheet of your tax-deductible donations. In the spreadsheet, you may include the amount of the donation, the date that you gave the money, and the charity you gifted it to. Make sure you also have further proof of your donation. This can include a bank record or official note from the charity organization providing the details of your donation.

Where To Store Your Documents

Many people file their documents in a random desk drawer in their office. Tax documents are important and sensitive items. Consider getting a secure filing cabinet to lock away important tax documents and identity files such as passports. You may also need to invest in a paper shredder. Keep in mind that bank documents, tax files, and other sensitive information should always be disposed of thoughtfully.

If you follow these simple steps during the year, you can get organized and save time and stress this tax season! And, if you need a little support in getting your paperwork organized, give us a call. Always happy to help!

decluttering procrastination

Top Reasons Why Procrastination is Clutter’s Best Friend!

“We’ll have to go through those boxes at some point.”

“We’ll sort the files in that cabinet at a later time.”

How many times have you heard phrases like that, perhaps even coming out of your own mouth? Procrastination can be quite an easy way out of doing some extra work. At first, it might start off rather innocently. Maybe you are really tired or busy on that particular day, and you genuinely want to plan to do some decluttering as soon as you can. However, procrastination always leads to one thing: more procrastination!

Keep reading to learn more about how procrastination might be contributing to the clutter in your life, and how to stop adopting such a negative habit, which affects many of us.

Plan ahead

Getting organized over time is probably the best, and easiest way to fight procrastination. If you schedule your how to declutter your homeactivities, there isn’t much leeway to procrastination, because theoretically, it’s all in your calendar! Make time to do whatever you need to do, so you can easily manage your effort and work.


Giving in to procrastination is a little bit like staring at a candy bar. You know you want it, and it would be easy for you to reach for it, even though you know it’s not good for you and you probably should eat something healthier.

The only way to get out of this situation is self-control. If you are disciplined about the way you manage your activities, you will be able to come up with a better, more upfront lifestyle, which also includes decluttering!

Remove distractions

Distractions are the gateway to procrastination, and the problem with our lifestyle is that we are literally surrounded  by countless distractions each day. In this modern day of smartphones and the internet at your fingertips, getting distracted is easy. It’s up to you to stay focused and remember that every time you get stuck focusing on a distraction, it’s time you’re taking away from your valued personal life, development, and growth.

Don’t let distractions get in the way of a clutter-free life. Take the time to understand the process and learn how you can easily turn your life around in many ways, if you just avoid giving in to procrastination and distractions of various kinds.

the stress of bringing clutter into your life

3 Ways You Might be Bringing Clutter Into Your Life

One of the most common things you’ll hear about people struggling with clutter at home and in their life is that they can’t find a way to manage. It’s hard to manage a mess if you don’t understand the root issues that are actually causing it. In this article, we will talk about 3 main behaviors that often lead people to accumulate too much clutter. Keep reading to learn more!

You are emotional about certain items

This is a tough one. Nobody can tell you to throw something away, and if you feel attached to an item on an Are you bringing clutter into your life? emotional level, it is really only up to you to determine what to do with it. It’s important to take a hard look at yourself and search your feelings. What does that item really mean to you? Is it the item that’s worth keeping, or the memory that will forever be etched in your heart and in your mind?

You think that certain items might be useful down the line

Are you the kind of person with drawers filled with mixed batteries, random knick-knacks, ketchup sachets from the diner and hotel slippers from your last vacation 2 years ago? I am looking at you! So many people amass so much clutter through the years, due to their inability to get rid of things that they think they might need further down the line. The irony is that if they do end up needing these things, there are high chances that they might forget they have them in the first place and buy them new anyway!


If you really think about it, a lot of it comes down to guilt. Even the first 2 pointers in this article are related to guilt. the stress of bringing clutter into your lifeIn a sense, people might feel guilty about throwing away stuff that once has meant something to them, or even things that they might think they’ll need some day.

“Oh, it’s such a waste!” How many times did you stop to think something like that while you were considering throwing something out? It’s important to understand the process of guilt and try to overcome it. Instead of letting guilt dictate your actions, take a step back and think about it with an open mindset. Being more honest with yourself is a great way to start your clutter-free journey!

The Importance of Saying No

Do you feel like your life at home is an absolute mess? Are you constantly overwhelmed and feel like you never have time to clear the clutter? You are not alone. There are many people out there who, just like you, struggle with keeping things tidy.

Due to tight work schedules, tending to your family and other commitments, it might be hard or even impossible to learn to say notake some time aside and work on decluttering your home.

After working, caring for others and other daily tasks, the last thing you might want to do is to sort through your things and start doing more work. It’s only natural, and you deserve a break!

The truth is, sometimes our plates are way too full, and we could simply avoid a lot of issues by learning how to say “no” respectfully. Stop for a moment and think about it. How many of your daily commitments could easily be avoided if you just had said no to begin with?

The problem is that saying “no” is not always easy, especially when friends ask you for favors or your community wants you to be a part of something.

Say, for example, that somebody asks you to volunteer to coach a soccer team for the neighbor’s kids. It’s a flattering honor to be considered, and you could do some good in the community, as well as improve your networks and social ties. However, it’s important to ask yourself one thing: can you really dedicate so much time to something else in your life?

Saying “no” might seem awkward at first, but it can relieve a lot of stress from you, especially if you have too much to declutter your life todaydo every day already.

You can be respectful when saying no, showcasing respect and appreciation while declining. Always answer timely and don’t put off saying no, giving people the impression that you might say yes later! The best way is to be firm about your decision, yet polite. You do not have to do everything asked of you, but you can also straight out tell people why you’re going to say “no.” You have simply too much on your hands and need some personal time for other endeavors. Who could possibly argue with that?

Living a busy life can lead to a lot of fulfillment, but lack of balance can bring about so much stress. “No” might just be your safe word out of it!

hanging organizer on back of door

Home Organizing Ideas on a Budget

Staying organized can be difficult, and in some cases, it can also be quite expensive! Some people think they have to start over and invest a lot of money on new furniture or organizational solutions. It doesn’t always have to be that way!

The good news? Some of the best ways to stay more organized are quite inexpensive. In fact, the most effective solutions are actually free! Keep reading to learn more and discover some fantastic organizational ideas!

Buy a door organizer

Door organizers are inexpensive, but they saved my life on many occasions! When I lived in a bigger city, I had a hanging organizer on back of doorsmall room, as the only way I could afford living there was to share an apartment with roommates. My room was so tiny that I couldn’t find space for most of my items. As a result, I had stuff sitting around all the time, and it was driving me crazy! However, a door organizer allowed me to keep tons of small items under control – from personal hygiene items to socks, hats, and more. The possibilities are endless.

Door organizers can be helpful if you live in a larger space too, especially on the inside of a closet, where they can feature small items and accessories, such as hats, scarfs and jewelry. This is definitely one of those “best-bang-for-your-buck” accessories, and you should definitely consider as an option to stay organized. There are many types of door organizers out there, and each is suitable for a different space or environment. You really can’t go wrong!

Shipping cartons and other paper boxes

They might not be the best-looking implements available, but paper boxes can come in handy if you want to get organized. If you have old boxes leftover from when you moved, or empty boxes laying around from TVs and home appliances, you might consider recycling them as storage boxes! The advantage is that they can be used to store small items in your basement or closet, without spending a dime in plastic or canvas boxes. Since shipping boxes aren’t exactly the trendiest thing out there, you might want to consider keeping them somewhere where they don’t stand Using cardboard boxes as storageout too much! Or where they won’t absorb moisture.

Smaller boxes, such as shoe boxes or even cereal boxes, can actually come in handy as dividers. For example, I use some old cereal boxes as separators to support my record collection. They actually stand behind the records, so you can’t see them. However, they make my records look tidier since they have a support that prevents them from falling back deeper into the shelf!

Organization is more than a having a smart system: it’s a state of mind!

It doesn’t matter how practical your home is, or how many useful drawers or fancy storage solutions you own. Staying organized begins with your attitude! The best way to live a focused, clutter-free life is to embrace a daily commitment to a cleaner routine! If you need guidance or support, we are just a call away!

Colour coding your closet + drawers - DIY Home Organizing Tip

Home Organizing Tips DIY Style

Keeping your home organized doesn’t have to be a chore. With the right focus, and with the right tips, it can actually be easy and painless. Here are some home organizing tips – DIY style!

Color Code + Sort!

Color coding can be particularly handy. If you need to store documents, for instance, you can use color schemes as a Colour coding your closet + drawers - DIY Home Organizing Tipway to improve the way you archive physical files. Imagine you had an archive, where you store personal documents (such as family photos) as well as legal documents (passports, birth certificates…) – You can color code your personal documents in blue, and the legal documents in green. This way, it will be much easier to navigate your files and find what you need!

In addition to that, you can also try color sorting. This is particularly handy if you have a rather large wardrobe. For instance, you can store all your black socks in one drawer and keep your other colors in another. You could do the same for dresses, shirts, etc. This could be a very practical tip to navigate a large wardrobe with many items of clothing!

Alphabetical Order

Ordering items alphabetically is quite common in working environments and office spaces. However, homeowners can also benefit from it in many applications. If you collect vinyl records or CDs, it will be much easier to organize the music alphabetically! In addition to that, even book lovers might find it more useful to store their books in alphabetical order, rather than by size, as it’s sometimes customary.

Under-Bed Organizers

Most of us completely forget that there’s plenty of usable space under our beds.  Instead of letting it collect dust, make sure you take advantage of it! There are many under-bed organizers that are quite flat, yet enjoy a rather large capacity, so they can fit under most beds, even if your space is quite narrow. This is a great opportunity to store various small items, which would otherwise be hard to locate or store. Some people love to use under-bed organizers for their shoes or socks, as well as other items that are often kept out of sight, such as cash, personal documents, and more.

Kitchen Overhead Hanging

In most kitchens, pots and pans might take up a lot of space, and often prevent you from taking advantage of the full capacity of your cupboard. To prevent such a situation, another home organizing tip is to try hanging your cooking tools, pots, and pans instead.

In addition to being practical, hanging pans and other items can add a charming rustic feel to your kitchen, giving it a more authentic feel. This is a perfect example of an organizational tip that’s also going to contribute to the great look of your home!

In conclusion, these are only some of the many amazing ways to keep your home organized. Give them a try and let us know if they changed your life for the better! If you’d still like a little guidance, we’re always here to help! Just give us a call and we’ll walk you through it.