
Downsizing your Home

What to Do When Downsizing Your Home

Downsizing your home can be an overwhelming and emotionally-charged experience. Whether you’re moving to a smaller home or just want to clear out your closets, it’s hard to know where to start. The following tips can help you part with possessions and look forward to a clutter-free home.

Define Your Lifestyle Goals

Downsizing does not have to mean giving up things you like to do. With a little planning, you can define what’s most important for your lifestyle. Do you like to have friends over for dinner? Make your dining and living areas a priority when deciding what furniture to keep. Parting with possessions can be less painful when you’re looking forward to your favorite activities.

Keep Only What You Need

Take an honest look at your possessions and keep only the items you really need. A good method is the one-year rule: if you haven’t used it in the past year, you don’t need it. You forgot about that kitchen gadget that’s been buried in the drawer all year and will probably not need it next year.

You may experience pangs of sadness as you decide to part with possessions. Give yourself permission to grieve, but remember that you are taking a positive step by downsizing and decluttering.

Donate or Sell

Items that you decide not to keep may still have plenty of use left in them. After you’ve sorted through your possessions, decide if you can donate or sell some of the things you don’t need. Donating that outdated radio or camera to a charity thrift store may give years of enjoyment to someone who really needs it.

Newer, more valuable items can put cash in your pocket if you decide to sell them. Whether it’s at a yard sale or an online market, that unopened set of dishes or that sweater with the price tag still on it may be just what someone is looking for.

Downsizing your Home

Think Multifunctional

If you’re buying new furniture, think multifunctional. For example, a trunk can double as a coffee table. Look for ottomans and other furniture pieces that have room inside for blankets. With the right furniture, an entire room can be multifunctional. For example, a convertible sofa and end tables that have storage space can turn a TV room into a guest bedroom.


Even after decluttering, you’ll probably still have plenty of documents and photographs. You can keep all that paperwork and all those memories without taking up space. Thanks to digital technology, you can scan documents and photos and store them in the cloud. Shred and recycle what you don’t keep. You can even convert your entire video and music collection to digital files. Think of what a relief it will be to get rid of all those boxes that have been taking up space in your closet!

Expert Help for Downsizing

When it’s time to downsize, our organizing experts can make the process more manageable and less stressful. Contact ClutterBGone today for a free consultation, and let’s get started!

Hiring a Professional Organizer

What Questions Should I Ask a Professional Organizer?

When you decide to team up with a professional organizer, you might be unsure what to ask this person. To help you find the right person for your needs, consider asking them the questions below. Their answers can help you decide if they have the qualities that you are looking for so that you can get organized!

What Area is Your Expertise?

From helping seniors with downsizing to assisting new parents in clearing clutter, there are many specialties when it comes to organization. Also, some professionals focus on homes while others help businesses. Look for an expert in the service you need.

How Long Have You Been in Business?

Look for someone who has experience under their belt. After working with several clients, a decluttering pro can tackle your home or business with ease based on what they’ve learned from previous projects. This person is more likely to have a smoother approach than someone new to the world of organization.

Asking Questions of a Professional Organizer

Do You Have Client References?

Getting references from the organizer will give you access to the people they’ve worked with before so that you can determine if they were satisfied with the experience. If the prospective organizer is hesitant about providing you with references, it might be a “red flag” that they are not trustworthy or high quality.

Do You Arrange to Donate Items?

When hiring someone, you want to make sure that they can help you with specific upcoming tasks. That may include arranging for pickup or drop-off of donations as you declutter the house. A pro who takes care of this part of the project relieves you of this task so you can focus on other things.

When Are You Available?

Teaming up with an expert who is available when you are is essential. So, be sure to ask what days and times they can work. Also, inquire if each meeting is in-person or virtual choose which option you prefer if both types are available.

How ClutterBGone Answers the Questions Above

The professionals at ClutterBGone have been helping people organize their homes and businesses since 2011. We provide a range of services, including small office/home office organizing, downsizing/packing/move-in organizing, home reno organizing, and maternity organizing.

Browse our services page to see what we offer and the different ways we can help you. We respect your belongings and confidentiality. Rather than doing the work for you, our professionals support and work cooperatively with you to achieve the set objectives.

We meet in-person or virtual, depending on what is comfortable for you. Our organizers have flexible hours, working around what is best for you. References are available upon request, and we are happy to arrange donation drop-off or pickup if you want it.

Feel free to ask us questions and finally get the support you’re looking for. We can also show you how to maintain any organizing systems we help you create in the home or office. It’s time to take back your space, and we can help you do so!

decluttering when downsizing

Decluttering Hacks for Downsizing Your Home

Decluttering a home because you are downsizing can be an anxious feeling. You are probably feeling like you will need to make some hard choices with what stays and what comes with you. The key to decluttering when downsizing is to get rid of things in your life that you don’t need, while keeping what you need. It sounds simple enough, right?

However, when it gets down to reviewing specific items, you may feel like you are overwhelmed with how many choices you have to make. We’re going to make the whole process easier for you by giving you some neat decluttering hacks for when you have to downsize your home.

Follow the 1 Year Rule

You are naturally going to try and hang onto things that, practically-speaking, you should just get rid of. We are talking about sentimental things and items that you feel may be used some day. However, if you haven’t used something within the past year, you probably won’t be using it in the coming year either. If you probably won’t use it the coming year, you probably will never use it at all. Let this time of downsizing finally be the time when you part with things that you aren’t using.

take pictures when decluttering

Take Photos of Sentimental Items

Some things are truly sentimental with memories that you simply find unbearable to part with. Not to worry! There’s a solution for that, which is to take photos of them. This is especially useful for unique and bulky things that will take up too much space in a downsized home. Memories last a lifetime, but having pictures of your sentimental items can help those memories stay fresh. Besides, you can have as many photos as you want, since digital photos take up no physical space.

Now that you know some decluttering hacks, the whole process of decluttering while downsizing should be easier for you. If you are still feeling overwhelmed with the whole process, that’s alright! ClutterBGone can help you with the entire process, so you can focus on other aspects of your move. Downsizing your home can be stressful enough, so make it easier on yourself and have a helping hand from professionals who know how to make the decluttering process a smooth one.

downsizing tips for seniors

5 Downsizing Tips for Seniors

Downsizing is an emotional challenge for some seniors while to others, it’s a joy – it all depends on preparation. Most seniors enjoy more free time by moving to a smaller house that requires less upkeep. These are the seniors who are open to the idea of downsizing. Before the time comes, it’s important for seniors to sit and discuss downsizing options with their family or friends. Here are a few downsizing tips for seniors:

Downsizing Tip 1: Plan ahead

Planning is the essential component of downsizing for seniors. The conversation around downsizing should start as early as possible. Let the senior know you respect their freedom of choice. Discuss with them why they should consider moving, where they will be moving to and the moving budget. Compare the costs of moving to the new space and all the pros of the new space compared to the current space.

Downsizing Tip 2: Start small

Start sorting out things as early as possible and start with the smaller rooms. Sort all the things you want to get rid of room by room. Starting with the smaller rooms first may be less overwhelming than diving into the bigger ones first.

For this, start early and start getting rid of things one by one. You can start donating what you don’t need or selling them as early as the decision to move is made.

downsizing tips for seniors

Downsizing Tip 3: Eliminate the rooms absent in the new home

Before you even start donating things, make sure you eliminate the things in the rooms that you don’t have in the new house. Some of these rooms house important items that you just can’t get rid of. Relocate these to other rooms in the new space and donate, sell, or toss the others you don’t need.

Downsizing Tip 4: Declutter

When it comes to moving, getting rid of what you don’t use isn’t an option. Make two piles, the yes and no piles – but no ‘maybes’. Otherwise, you will find yourself with a maybe pile that is bigger than the other two. Take a good look at every item in the house and if it’s not something you use regularly, that’s a no and if you use it regularly, it’s a yes.

Downsizing Tip 5: Consider legacy gifts

Seniors have a hard time letting go of some things. There will be items that the senior can’t or won’t let go of, and that’s alright. The antiques and other sentimental items don’t have to go as long as they don’t impede the move. Let the senior decide on what to do with the sentimental items that won’t fit in the new home. Most prefer giving these special items to family as a sign of gratitude. Just always ensure that they know they have a voice in the move.

Downsizing for seniors isn’t easy but if you have a plan and clear communication, moving can be a smooth and peaceful transition. Remember not to force anything, simply suggest and wait for them to make a choice.

If ClutterBGone can be of any assistance in your transition process, reach out to us here! Sometimes just a little extra support and guidance is all you need.

elderly parents moving

How to Talk to Your Elderly Parents About Downsizing

Talking to your elderly parents about downsizing is one of the most challenging things. For the talk to yield positive fruits, you have to be cautious and steer the conversation in a subtle manner. The move might seem practical for the senior, but the thought of moving can provoke strong emotions. As the responsible party, you have to make the senior understand why this is in their best interest and why it has to be done which is challenging but not impossible.

Start the discussion as early as possible

How do your parents or the seniors in your life imagine their future? Before the move is immediately necessary, begin talking to them about other options to make the transition easier. Make sure you discuss the topic multiple times and show them the pros and not the cons of moving. This way, arriving at a decision you are both comfortable with is easier. Bring up a neighbour or an old friend who has downsized and talk to the senior about the advantages of the move.

Let the senior stay in control

Before you can figure out what to tell your elderly parents, listen to them first. Downsizing is emotional as it makes the seniors feel like they are losing control over their lives. State one fact before anything else that the decision to downsize is ultimately theirs and you are here to provide support and make suggestions. Never impose but instead, ask gentle questions about the current living situation and let them know how downsizing can help them improve and live a happier life.

elderly parents moving

Air your concerns

Most seniors respond best if you are open and honest. Instead of imposing, making choices, or controlling them, share your worries about their living conditions. Most of our elderly parents don’t like it when their children worry so much about them. For this reason, they won’t be defensive or feel upset if you express your fears and the desire for them to be safe and happy.

Downsizing is a sensitive topic for the elderly and it needs a subtle approach. Make plans with your parents if you want a smooth transition and figure out their idea of downsizing. Get to understand what is sensitive about it and how to best approach that. Elderly parents feel attached to their homes and that bond can be hard to break. Do it bit by bit and in a considerate manner and let the elderly parent feel in control at all times. Let them feel their decision is respected and appreciated.

If at any time you need a little extra help and support, we are just a call away to help with all your downsizing needs!

downsizing tips for seniors

A Downsizing Checklist for Caregivers

Moving is a challenge for everyone and is one of the high-stress life events in life. It becomes tougher when you are a caregiver and have to move a senior. Most people find themselves in a crisis where you have to move the senior in a limited amount of time. Planning time is minimal, and you need to have everything in order before making a move. Here is a downsizing checklist for caregivers.

Plan Ahead

This applies if you have time, and the senior is willing to move as this sometimes becomes a challenge and eats into the available time. The move is now imminent, and there is no other option. Start decluttering as early as possible. Take everything into consideration and determine what to give away, sell, or throw away. Clean the house and organize in stages and make sure to measure the furniture. You need to know if the furniture fits the downsized house you are moving into. Set a moving date and check with family and friends for a moving company recommendation.

Start Packing

You now have what is moving with your senior and what goes away. Organize everything you have in boxes and assign different boxes for essential items to avoid confusion. It also helps in knowing what goes to which room and so forth.

Identify the critical and fragile items and separate them from the rest and make sure their boxes are well marked as FRAGILE, so the movers handle the boxes with care. If packing is posing a challenge, get family or friends to help.


You know what is going and what goes away, so you have a good idea of the transport you need. If you are using friends or family members, communicate with them. Also, make sure you have all the necessary gear and muscle to help you move.

If you are using a moving company, the contracts should be in order and in writing too.

downsizing checklist for seniors

Settling In

When downsizing for caregivers, the challenge posed to the caregiver is helping the older person settle in. You have moved in, and the unpacking starts. After you are done, it’s up to the caregiver to update the senior’s addresses in all relevant institutions. Don’t leave the senior assuming all is well; check in regularly after the move and make sure they are happy and thriving in the new community.

The reason why your seniors need a smaller home is not as important as their safety and happiness. Take comfort in knowing the senior is cared for and happy after the move. If ever you need a little extra support in the downsizing process, don’t hesitate to reach out!

downsizing seniors

How To Help Our Seniors With Downsizing

People have different responses to getting old but one thing we can be sure of is that ageing is inevitable. When people get to the age where they are regarded as senior citizens, one of the problems they face is moving and downsizing and making difficult choices of what to keep and what to let go. This period is usually very emotional for some, however can be something to look forward to and become excited about.

Here are a few steps to consider when helping a senior downsize.

Consider Their New Home

Downsizing usually involves moving into a smaller and more manageable environment and the new space is the first thing that must be considered. Ideally, it is not a process that should be rushed. You have to check out their your new home’s space – the floor plan, the kind of environment and community that is being entered into.  Is your senior downsizing into a nursing home or assisted living facility? Are they moving in with friends or family, a retirement community, or are they buying or renting a smaller house or condo?

The Seniors Guide To Downsizing

Take An Inventory Of Their Current Home

The next step usually involves taking an inventory of items in different parts of their current home. It is advisable to start from the part of the house with the biggest items or the area of the house that has the most stuff.

While doing this, you will be able to identify different categories that items might fall under e.g. Regularly used objects, sparsely used objects and high-value objects. Every room in their house must be checked so you don’t miss anything important – ensuring everything is well-organized when moving and they don’t end up with items they don’t need in their new space.

Do They Need It?

De-cluttering is a very important step in the downsizing of your seniors. You have to ask yourself certain questions as you pack-up and box items like:

  • Do they need this item? Is it used regularly?
  • Will the item fit into their new space easily?
  • Is the item of high-value financially?
  • Do they have multiple versions of the item?
  • Does the item limit their mobility or accessibility in their new space?
  • Do they love it?

Answers to such questions are usually difficult but very necessary when planning their move.

Find Innovative Ways To Take Care Of Disposed Items

You’ve sat with your senior and have decided what belongings will make the move and which ones won’t. When disposing of the items that won’t be moved with them,  you need to decide what to do with them. You can have the items donated to charity or given to friends or family members that may find the items valuable. Another option is to have an auction or sale especially when some of the items are still valuable and would be able to generate some needed income. When downsizing, it is important to always get rid of old and harmful items that can’t be repaired no matter how much sentimental value they carry – you don’t want to keep harmful objects in their new environment as your senior approaches their golden years.

As we mentioned above, this process can be emotionally draining for some so it best be done with the help of loved ones, family or friends. However, if it gets too difficult, you can always consult with us. We love assisting our seniors!

tips for helping the elderly move

Tips For Helping the Elderly Move

Making the decision to move an elderly family member out of their home is difficult but is more often than not necessary for reasons of health and safety. Below you will find important tips for a smooth transition.

Tip 1 Helping The Elderly Move: Communication

This is by far the most important point in the beginning. Open and honest communication about why the move is necessary and brainstorm together what will work best. Always bearing in mind that your relative is likely to have very mixed emotions about moving. Validating their emotions is important. Be understanding and really listen to their desires. Together, set up a concise plan.

Tips for helping the elderly move

Tip 2 Helping The Elderly Move: Enlist Support

Reach out to other family members to help with the move, the more the merrier as they say. Also consider the support of a professional organizer. They are skilled in this type of situation and have a lot to offer in terms of advice as well as strategies for an easier transition.

Tip 3 Helping The Elderly Move: Clean and Organize

As you begin to sort and pack be sure to clean the items before storing or taking them to the new home. Some items will be harder to part with than others, this is true of anybody but for someone who may have a lifetime of memories in their home it is daunting. Listen with patience to the stories the items have and offer reassurance that things that are not going with then will be well looked after.

Tip 4 Helping The Elderly Move: Be Aware of Emotions

You’ve planned, you’ve packed and moving day has arrived. Be aware of the emotional state of your elderly family member and understand that it will be a difficult day. If your elderly relative is moving into an assisted living situation work with the home to plan what the day will look like. Many places will have supports in place for the move, there may be activities for distraction and they may also be paired with a new buddy for the day to introduce them to their new surroundings. If possible it may help to arrange furniture as closely as possible as it was in the old home. Ensure that photos are hung and important items are put away.

This is a tough transition for all and it isn’t over the day the move happens. You will want to keep a close eye on your relative over the following months as the emotional fallout can be heavy and overwhelming.

If you are facing the challenge of helping your elderly parents “smart size” into homes that are manageable, often emotional ties to furniture and keepsakes make it difficult and challenging for you and your parents to make decisions. We often hear the question “how do I even begin to sort through my treasured items and memories?” That’s when we can step in. Reach out if you need support.

Downsizing: Steps to take when moving

Downsizing: Steps To Take When Moving

Downsizing can be quite a stressful operation. It is not only time-consuming but it can be a logistics nightmare, and it might require you to get rid of things that you might have an emotional attachment with.

Our aim is to share some of the most intelligent steps you could take when you’re about to move and downsize.

Plan Ahead

Take time to plan ahead and work out all the details of your move. For example, you can choose the best time to move by carefully considering possible traffic issues, and selecting a time frame that won’t be too stressful for you, in light of work commitments and other things in your calendar.

Get Rid Of Extra Things

As the name might imply, “downsizing” often means that you simply might not be able to enjoy as much space as you used to. Therefore,Downsizing: Steps to take when moving you might need to get rid of some of your belongings. It’s important to really go through your stuff well ahead of your moving date. Some people struggle with the idea of getting rid of some of their belongings, so they often procrastinate, only to panic during the very last stages of their move. As a result, they frantically cherry pick their items and often overlook important things. By sorting through your items in a timely manner, you are going to have plenty of time to determine what matters, and what could be expandable.

For this reason, it is important to take downsizing seriously, and understand what it means. Don’t just move all of your things to a smaller space. This will only cost you time and money. Make sure that you manage your possessions accordingly. Get to know your space, and carefully list your belongings so you have a clearer idea of how much stuff you have.

Get Someone To Help You

Whether its friends, family members, assistants, or a professional organizer – asking for help might be the best way to go in most situations. Moving can be stressful, particularly if you are on your own. The process requires many tasks, including lugging furniture around, moving boxes, cataloging things, packing, unpacking, driving, and so on. Having someone by your side could ease your load significantly. There is no need to get too stressed when you’re downsizing. A helping hand along the way can truly make a difference in your move and help you prevent a lot of unpleasant circumstances.

Downsizing for a move is a service we love providing here at ClutterBGone! Moving into a new space should be fun and exciting. Don’t allow this transition to make you feel stressed or anxious. We can give you back your peace of mind. Call us!

Your Step by Step DeCluttering Guide

Living in a cluttered environment can prove to be very stressful and pave the way to a whole host of other issues as well. Chaotic working and living environments have often been linked with anxiety, stress, depression, and other mental health problems. In addition to that, a space that is not clean and tidy could undermine productivity and prevent you from performing at your best.

Here we will provide some tips on how you can prevent the aforementioned issues, as well as keeping your home or workspace decluttered and inviting, with this step by step decluttering guide!

Cleaning and Rearranging

People often think that their spaces are cluttered because they have too many things. At times, however, this Your Step by Step Decluttering Guideisn’t the case. In most cases, a cluttered space is that way only because you might not have found the right way to flatter your area with the way it’s set up and organized. Some organization experts have saved people thousands of dollars, and even saved them from having to get rid of some of their stuff, by simply helping them rearrange their spaces in a more suitable way. Sometimes, keeping a space clutter-free could really be all about redefining its layout and organization.

Removing Unwanted or Unnecessary Items

If all else fails, and you find it hard to organize your space due to the sheer amount of the things that you own, you should consider getting rid of some of your belongings (downsizing or decluttering). This could be quite a complex task for some people. Many of us struggle to see things we care about gone. Others always think that they might need something later on in life, so they don’t want to get rid of those things, just in case they might end up finding a use for them later on. Whatever the reason that keeps you from getting rid of your stuff, you should take a deeper look at yourself, and your things. Although you might feel like you’re giving up on something by throwing things out, you might stand to gain much more than you could possibly imagine, particularly in terms of peace of Your Step by Step Decluttering Guidemind.

Adopting healthier habits

Getting your space clean and organized is only half the battle. The other half? Keeping it that way! It’s quite easy to slip into your old habits if you are not careful. In order to prevent such issues, be sure to embrace a steady routine, and be mindful about keeping your space clean and organized on a regular basis. This way, daily maintenance will only take a few minutes of your time every day, and you won’t run into the same debilitating space issues again. 

Decluttering your space doesn’t have to feel stressful. If at anytime you’re in the midst of your decluttering process and need a little more guidance and support, we’re here for you! We here at ClutterBGone love supporting others in this journey!