Do You Have These Pieces Of Clutter In Your Home Right Now?

pieces of clutter in the home

Most of us aren’t able to objectively identify items that are no longer needed. We keep things because we think they have value or we think we may need them some day. Unless they are really broken beyond repair we tend to hold onto things we just don’t need or use. That is how clutter accumulates. Here is a quick list of some of the more popular items we find in clients’ homes that really need to go.


ClutterBGone has found so many pairs of prescription glasses in homes that have not been worn in many years. In some cases, we have found 6 or more. Besides the pair you use now, keep the most recent pair in case something happens to your current prescription and donate the rest, so the frames can be reused.

Food containers

How many containers do you have without a lid? How many containers do you have that are really stained? The food container drawers are one of the most disorganized areas in a kitchen. If it can’t be used, or doesn’t have a matching lid, get rid of it.


Do you dread opening your closet in the morningpieces of clutter in your home? Does it take you too long to find what you want to wear? Time is valuable in the morning and a cluttered closet can get your day started off in the wrong direction. Styles change, seasons change, heck even our bodies change. Pair down what’s not worn.

What about those single socks you’re saving? You know the dryer will never cough up the matching pair again. Donate any clothing that no longer fits or is in need of repair. A neat and organized closet or drawer will make you more productive and reduce your stress. Let us show you how.

Check the fridge

I love to grab some take out when I am in a rush or just don’t feel like cooking. But, I am never going to use those packets of condiments that are left over. We see them all the time in the fridges of clients. The same holds true for salt and pepper packets in the cupboards. Rather than trying to save a penny or two keep your kitchen clean and organized and toss them out!

Do you dare take a look in your junk drawer?

ClutterBGone has seen it all in junk drawers. Do you really need all those elastics, pieces of string, plastic forks and other useless items? I realize the need for a drawer to keep miscellaneous items (I don’t like the term junk drawer) but many people use this drawer as a drop point for items that will never see the light of day again. Make a point of going through this drawer several times a year and throw out what hasn’t been used since the last clean out.

Old electronics

Let’s speak to something all men can relate to. I’m not just talking single men but to all the husband’s out there as well. Many of you hold onto old electrical cords knowing you will find a use for it later but, you never do. What about that collection of TV remotes you’re holding onto?  Cell phones too. Why hang onto the older technology when the reason we upgrade is for the newer technology? Recycle or donate these items. You know you’ll never use them again, so why not give it to someone who will.

Small appliances

If you have any small kitchen appliances that no longer work I implore you to toss, recycle or donate them. You’re not going to suddenly enroll in a repair class and if they no longer work, why have them take up the space?

Reading material

We find older editions of magazines and newspapers in a lot of our clients’ homes. The rule of thumb is to toss out the previous issue when the new one comes in. If two editions have not been read by the time the third edition arrives it may be time to think about cancelling your subscription to save the money and avoid clutter. There’re so many other ways now to stay informed besides printed copies.

These are just a few of the many pieces of clutter that ClutterBGone has seen in many homes. We know what to look for and can help you keep your home organized and clutter free. Just contact us here to see how ClutterBGone has assisted others in the GTA.

5 Emotions That Chain You To Clutter

emotions chaining you to clutter

We as people, care about stuff. We get attached to things for a variety of different reasons and this is normal. However, when we become emotional attached to too many things it will lead to clutter and clutter by itself will bring with it a whole host of issues like expense, stress, space and being in a state of disorganization. Let’s look at five emotions that may be chaining you to your clutter.


Are you hanging on to items that used to belong to a loved one? An emotional attachment to items is tough to break. Be assured, you don’t have to keep everything that is given to you, no matter who gave it to you. Determine what’s worth keeping and give yourself the OK to donate, sell or trash the rest. ClutterBGone has helped many clients sift through their sentimental items and create wonderful ways to store or display what’s kept.


Some people accumulate things to feel good about themselves. The idea of one’s self worth is not determined by the amount of “stuff” they own. Your possessions are not an extension of you. A lot of peoples’ self confidence comes with the items that they own, whether they realize it or not.


Clutter has a profound effect on our mood and self esteem. A study conducted by a U.S. psychologist confirmed a link between clutter and depression. Sometimes the levels of depression were even higher than in some OCD participants. We all want a neat and organized space but not all of us have the time nor the tools to maintain it. That is where ClutterBGone comes in. We love seeing the changes in moods and outlooks after we have completed projects in many of our clients’ homes.


What do a lot of people do when they’re bored? emotions chaining you to clutterThey go shopping! Shopping has almost become a sport. Have you seen the malls on weekends? If you go shopping when you’re bored, you know you’re going to be purchasing items that you really don’t need. Make a point of jotting down exactly what you’re going shopping for and stick to that list. Better yet, keep your hobbies, books, music, whatever you like to do, nearby. Spend time with the family doing things. Make a list of things you want to do when you get bored and start working on that list by yourself or with friends and family.


Clutter creates frustration. Trying to find something in your disorganized closet or walking into a room full of clutter can create a feeling of complete frustration. Or maybe you have organized a room only to see it disorganized again a days later. We see this all the time and have the experience and tools to get your clutter under control and keep it that way.

If you recognize any of these emotions when it comes to clutter in your life, then it is time to bring in a professional organizer to help. ClutterBGone has been serving the GTA for over 7 years now and would love to help free you from the emotions of clutter. Just contact us here to get started.


The Negative Side Of Clutter

Clutter is negative

I doubt that anyone has ever thought of clutter in a positive way. Even the real hoarders would admit there is nothing positive about clutter. Clutter affects our lives in a host of negative ways. Let’s look at the negative side of clutter that has a negative impact on our lives.

Clutter Frustrates

Your looking for something that you need now. It’s important and needs to be found. Having to sift through clutter is time consuming and annoying. It raises your frustration levels and anxiety, neither of which are good for your health.

You’ve started a project outside and its starting to get late. You need something you know is in the garage. With all the items that you’ve put in the garage you have a tough time finding it. Dinner is ready, the kids need to be fed and you still haven’t found what you need. Again, frustration sets in ruining the rest of your evening.

Clutter is distracting

Clutter keeps you off your A game. It distracts you.clutter is negative Clutter and disorganization at work reduces your productivity. You spend more time looking for things and less time actually working on that project with an impending deadline. How many of you have started working on one thing only to get distracted once you start sifting through clutter that is around you? Not very productive is it?

Clutter is disruptive

Few things impede forward progress like clutter. It kills momentum in its tracks. In the distraction of looking for what you need, you get side tracked into tending to another issue or losing interest in the one you needed to complete.  Often times, that momentum is hard to get moving again in the right direction.

This happens everywhere. At the office. In your bedroom closet. Your desk. The kitchen. Every time you have to sift through the clutter to find what you’re looking for, you lose momentum. This often leads to another unfinished project left hanging over your head.

Clutter costs you money

Over 20% of North Americans can’t locate their bills and end up paying late fees because of it. Over $1 billion is not redeemed annually because of gift cards that can’t be located.clutter is negative Talk about a waste of money. Your time is worth something too. The average person wastes almost an hour a day looking for items that they have. What else could you do with that time? Are you one of the millions that rents an outside storage locker for items that can’t be stored at home? Being disorganized can hit you right in the pocketbook.

So, you see, there is a lot of negativity surrounding clutter. ClutterBGone has seen firsthand the effects of clutter and has helped many clients eliminate their clutter and create a system to stay clutter free. Give us a call at 905-642-5669 or contact us here to discuss how we can reduce the clutter in your life.


A Little Bit About ClutterBGone


We’ve written about Professional Organizers and what they do in past. I thought I would let you know a little bit more about ClutterBGone in particular and what we are all about.


ClutterBGone has been in business for the past seven years so we have a lot of experience in helping clients downsize, get organized and get some calm back in their lives. We service the entire Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and have several teams so we can work on several projects at the same time. All team members are fully trained and are fully insured.

How does the whole process start?

Once you recognize the need for assistance and reach out to us we come to you for a one on one to see the space that you require help with. We look at what you want to accomplish, in what timeframe, how you use the space and whether or not you will need any organizing products. We’ll let you know right then and there how much the project will cost you. ClutterBGoneWithout this initial consult we can’t possibly give you an estimate.

How long will the project take?

That depends. We have organized complete homes as well as smaller projects like a hall closet. But, we will let you know after the initial consultation how long we think it will take. We’ve been doing this long enough that our estimates after our first meeting are usually spot on. We will schedule sessions according to your timetable and how involved you want to be. We are able to work whenever you need us to.

Will you make me throw things out?

No. You are the boss. ClutterBGoneYou make all the decisions on what stays, what goes, what gets donated and what gets sold. We will encourage you and challenge you on certain things but you ultimately make the decision. Our goal is to teach you as we go along about the value of things compared to the space you have and when I say value I’m not just talking about the financial value. At ClutterBGone we recognize that sentimental value plays an important part too.

Will all this be confidential?

Of course. ClutterBGone has built our business and reputation on trust. We will never give or sell any of your information to anybody at anytime. You will never receive any advertising or information from us without first consenting. We also adhere to the code of ethics of the Professional Organizers of Canada.

If you are at the stage where you recognize the need for a little professional help just contact us here. ClutterBGone is ready to help you with your organizing needs as we have done with many other clients in the GTA.

Ways You Can Be Organized

ways to be organized

At ClutterBGone we specialize in helping people become organized and take advantage of the space they have. During our initial consultations we see a number of ways that people could easily become more organized without investing a lot of time or money. This normally involves a bit of discipline but if you can commit to the procedures you can see immediate results. For those do-it-your-selfers, here are a number of ways to quickly and efficiently make your home more organized.

Incoming mail

Whether you still have door to door mail delivery or have to travel to the “super” boxes to get your mail you have probably noticed that most mail delivered these days is of the “junk” variety. ways to be organizedWith many of us now receiving and paying our bills on line what’s left to deliver is usually flyers announcing a new home for sale or special offers for the product of the day. The hallway table is an area where we see an accumulation of mail, school papers, etc. that can quickly acted upon. Once picked up ensure that anything you are truly not interested in is deposited into the recycle bin.

Ask for help

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It takes strength to recognize that you need help and more so to ask for it. You know your limitations and often a fresh set of eyes can see things differently and help you purge, sell or donate a lot faster than you could by yourself.

Saving items for emotional reasons

I’ve seen clients saving items from their deceased parents for emotional reasons. downsizing in torontoThere is nothing wrong with that to a point. But at some point you have to realize that not everything holds a financial or personal value to you. Your parents probably wouldn’t want you burdened with things you won’t use either. Try creating a treasure box to save and showcase the truly valuable mementoes from your parents. ClutterBGone also has other ways to save and display your memories.

There really is enough room

Everybody is downsizing, space is at a premium and homes are getting smaller but if you really tried I bet you could find the room for more items that you really need. Basic closets come with one closet rod. It’s really easy, and economical, to add another closet rod to double your space. No room to store your winter duvet? How about a storage box under the bed? The list could go on. Of course, we know a lot more easy and economical ways to organize and save space.

Use the KISS approach

Keep it simple. You could spend days thinking of how to organize or downsize but really there are many great systems and ideas out there that require minimal time and dollars. Read up on the newest ideas or visit your closest organizing products store.

Stop for a moment and take a real hard look at what you are trying to accomplish. It does not have to be that hard. If you need outside help, contact us at ClutterBGone. We have lots of experience in organizing spaces of every size.

What is Chronic Disorganization?



We all get disorganized many times in our lives. When we get ill or a family member becomes ill. When work requires a lot of extra time devoted to it or it calls us away for a bit. We move or get married. Whenever we are thrown a curve ball or something out of the ordinary appears we tend to become a bit disorganized, but we eventually get back on track.

The difference with chronic disorganization is that we don’t recover from these instances and the disorganization will worsen with time. The clutter continues to accumulate and suddenly you are overwhelmed. Sometimes procrastination will also become a challenge because you just don’t have the time or energy to do anything about it.

What is chronic disorganization?

Chronic disorganization is having a history of being disorganized and all efforts to help or change your circumstances have failed. Disorganization is affecting your current quality of life to the point where you are embarrassed or don’t want anyone over and/or your personal and financial life have been affected. Also, you don’t see any real expectation of improvement.

How do I know if I suffer from it?

Are you surrounded by clutter? Do you have newspapers and magazines that you just cant get rid of? Have you purchased items that you haven’t put away for a while? Have you run out of room to put things?chronic disorganization Have you always been disorganized? Are you or your family members ashamed to have anyone come over? Are you always looking for things that you know you have? These are typical questions that someone with chronic disorganization will answer yes to.

What causes chronic disorganization?

The most common cause is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD is characterized by impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention. It’s almost impossible to stay organized with these symptoms. Many children attract ADHD and it stays with them through to adulthood. The American Psychiatric Association has stated that ADHD is a real and curable condition and affects about 1 in 20 adults. Depression is another trigger for chronic disorganization. Depressed people have a hard time getting motivated and constantly feel tired.

How can you get help?

Psychiatric and medical help is available. Professional Organizers can also help. We work with you and develop systems to keep you organized. We work at your pace and find solutions tailored to your individual needs.

ClutterBGone has helped many clients with different stages of chronic disorganization. Don’t suffer with it when there is help available. Call us at 905-642-5669 or click here. We’d love to help you.

Cleaning Out Your Late Parents Home

estate clearing

ClutterBGone receives many inquiries from people who have been left with the task of cleaning out their parent’s home after the passing of a loved. Many times one parent has passed previously and now the remaining parent has passed leaving a home full of memories to go through. Here’s a few tips to help the process go a little more smoothly.

Divide and conquer

If you have siblings get them involved. Besides being a traumatic time there will have to be a lot of time dedicated to this task. All hands need to be on deck to help and to support each other. You could also ask other family members and friends.

Be thorough

You would be surprised where ClutterBGone has found valuable items tucked away in homes where we have been called in to help when a loved one has passed. Some of the elderly still don’t trust banks. Others forget where they put things or forget that they even had them. Check all pockets, fan through books, look into the back of all dressers and drawers. You don’t want to miss something valuable even though it may be just a valuable memory.

Bring in experts

If needed, an appraiser can be worth their cost many times over. estate cleaningWhat you think may be insignificant may well be worth something. If there is a lot to sell give some thought to bringing in a third party to sell it for you. They will take a percentage of the sales but they take a lot of the work from you too. A professional organizer can help to sort, file and purge an estate when you just don’t have the time or people to assist you.

Donate the clothing

Most elderly people don’t spend money on clothes like people who work do. They just don’t need to. Unless you know there is a bit of vintage clothing in the home, you will be better off just donating the clothing to a charity that can ensure it is used by someone who could really use the items. Just check the pockets before giving it away!

Preserve the memories

You are going to come across a lot of memories during the cleaning out process. estate cleaningEnjoy it. Save all the pictures and letters that you want to and share them with family and friends. After the smiles and tears have gone consider preserving the memories in an album or a memory box.

As you go through your parent’s things a flood of memories will come. Enjoy the memories and take this time to say a final goodbye.

If you need help with cleaning out an estate ClutterBGone has assisted many families with this task. We are tactful, non judgemental and respectful. Contact us here to talk about it.

Don’t Leave Your Clutter For Others

leaving clutter to family

We don’t take our possessions with us when we pass. So, what do we do with all of our cherished items? Leave them to somebody else? ClutterBGone has worked with so many clients that have had to go through an entire house full of goods after the passing of a loved one, most of which nobody wanted.

Don’t leave the decisions to others

Most of our kids don’t have the same taste in home décor or furnishings and certainly not in clothes. Today’s Boomers want a more minimalistic lifestyle and don’t have the room for a lot of new items anyway. Leaving a house stuffed with items nobody will want is a burden on your loved ones. It will create stress on them to go through everything in a short amount of time while they are also grieving. Keep this in mind when preparing for your move or preparing your will.

Saying goodbye to items can be easy

Now that you’re no longer in the work force, someone else can use your work clothes. leaving clutter to familyThat suit or dress you no longer wear could help someone else look sharp in an interview. Are you going to use that silver server set you received as a gift a decade ago and still haven’t used it? The kids certainly don’t want it. Donate it to a cause where you’ll know it will bring joy to someone else. If you are up against a tough decision just ask yourself “Does it bring me joy”? If not, why keep it?

Money talks

You’ve heard that phrase “cash is king”? It’s true! Rather than leaving an item to someone that won’t use it or isn’t going to appreciate it, why not sell it and leave the money? Better yet, why not use the money for a little something you’ve always wanted?

Talk to your family about what they want

If you aren’t sure about who wants what, have a discussion with your family and find out. leaving clutter to familyThis can be a little sensitive to some but it will ensure that a special memory will be left to the right people. In previous jobs we have even had the names of family members put on the back or bottom of an item so there is no confusion at all. Let them know that leftover items will be sold, donated or tossed.

We all love our possessions but they don’t hold the same value to someone else. If you have recently retired or will be moving to a smaller space soon, now is a great time to make some decisions about what you will keep and what you won’t. ClutterBGone has assisted a lot of families in this exact same situation. We can also help you. Just contact us here.

Downsizing And Donating

downsize and donate

I was driving through Markham recently and passed a sign put up by the Town. It said “Time to downsize? Donate now”. I was surprised, and pleased, that a town would encourage residents to both reduce clutter and help others while doing so. It got me to thinking just how downsizing can help others.

It helps you first

You will be the first one to feel the benefits of downsizing. organize and donateLetting go of items you no longer need or want will give you a feeling of freedom. You will feel more in control of your life. You will find things quicker and spend less time looking for what you need. You will actually save money because you are no longer purchasing items you have but can’t find. Have you been embarrassed to have company over due to the state of your home? Once the downsizing process is complete you will be proud to have people come over, even unexpectedly.

It helps others

Whether you donate it or put it in a consignment shop you are helping others. Many of your used items will be used to help others in need. A piece of clothing that is needed for a job interview or to stay warm. A piece of furniture that is needed but isn’t affordable just now. You know how expensive kids sports equipment is. You could be helping a child get into after school sports. Many of your items will be repurposed to help others and it will stay out of the landfill.

Make some money while downsizing

If you have items with some value there is nothing wrong with turning those unused items into a little bit of cash to buy that something you have had your eye on. Maybe the cash could be added to your vacation savings jar or a nice dinner out. There are a number of consignment shops in the GTA that will take some of your items on consignment for a split of the sale. We have worked with many of them and know where and how you can make the most of what you have.

Sell vs. donate vs. trash

It can be hard to determine what can be sold, what can be donated and what should be trashed or recycled. downsize and donateEveryone has different ideas of worth and sentiments start to play a big part in your decision-making. That is where a third party becomes useful. ClutterBGone has been helping clients downsize and organize in the GTA for quite a while now. We have the experience to help you make quick decisions and we know which pile your item will end up in.

Good for Markham for encouraging a clutter free life and in turn helping others. Lets hope other towns and municipalities get on board.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know where to donate your used goods. ClutterBGone has worked all across the GTA and works with many charities and donation centers that would love to have your items. If you are looking to downsize we are discreet, non judgemental and thorough. Just contact us here to find out more.

A Guide To Helping Your Parents Downsize

Seniors downsizing

One of my family members is a senior who is currently going through the process of downsizing. It got me to thinking that most of us will have to address this at some time in our lives with a loved one.

Some of our parents are not going to be able to stay in the larger family home and are going to need help in downsizing to a smaller dwelling be it a smaller home, a condo or even a retirement residence. If you find yourself in the position of having to assist a senior in downsizing here are a few things to keep in mind when doing so.


The move and the preparations that are required are going to be an emotional time for both you and your parents. seniors downsizingExpect some tears, some smiles and maybe even some arguments. Keep your feelings in check and remember that it’s your parents that are being uprooted and moved leaving behind a lot of memories. Remember how you felt when your parents moved when you were young and the feelings you had? Most important is do not be judgemental. Perhaps a third party will be required to help with the process

Plan the new space

You will know the approximate size of the new rooms so sit down with your parents and decide what pieces of furniture are just not going to fit into the new living quarters. Maybe now is a good time to help out a child or a grandchild that could use a piece of furniture that is not going to fit into the new place. Explain that the piece will still get good use and will provide memories of them to the new owner. Maybe a sale would be in order with the money from the sale being used for something special that they want or need.

Precious memories

Decorative items are really the ones that make the place feel like home. Ensure that you know which are most important and pack them carefully. Once in the new place have them hung or displayed in a place for all to see to reduce the anxiety of the move. These memories will bring a sense of home and calm to them.

Now is the time to purge

I don’t know if it’s an age thing or not but many elderly people I’ve met tend to hang on to things and don’t want to let go. downsizing seniorsNow is a great time to go through the closets and drawers and toss anything that is worn to the point it is no longer wearable or donate anything that just doesn’t fit anymore.

As you go through the process remember the three piles – toss, donate and sell. Don’t be judgemental, be patient and let them know that there are people that could use the things they don’t need or don’t have the space for anymore. And remember – we are all going to be there at some point so compassion and empathy now will probably come back around later.

ClutterBGone has assisted countless GTA families with this process. We’re non-judgemental in our approach, compassionate and caring. If you need assistance with helping a loved one downsize just call (905-642-5669) or click here to contact us.