Do You Have These Pieces Of Clutter In Your Home Right Now?
Most of us aren’t able to objectively identify items that are no longer needed. We keep things because we think they have value or we think we may need them some day. Unless they are really broken beyond repair we tend to hold onto things we just don’t need or use. That is how clutter accumulates. Here is a quick list of some of the more popular items we find in clients’ homes that really need to go.
ClutterBGone has found so many pairs of prescription glasses in homes that have not been worn in many years. In some cases, we have found 6 or more. Besides the pair you use now, keep the most recent pair in case something happens to your current prescription and donate the rest, so the frames can be reused.
Food containers
How many containers do you have without a lid? How many containers do you have that are really stained? The food container drawers are one of the most disorganized areas in a kitchen. If it can’t be used, or doesn’t have a matching lid, get rid of it.
Do you dread opening your closet in the morning? Does it take you too long to find what you want to wear? Time is valuable in the morning and a cluttered closet can get your day started off in the wrong direction. Styles change, seasons change, heck even our bodies change. Pair down what’s not worn.
What about those single socks you’re saving? You know the dryer will never cough up the matching pair again. Donate any clothing that no longer fits or is in need of repair. A neat and organized closet or drawer will make you more productive and reduce your stress. Let us show you how.
Check the fridge
I love to grab some take out when I am in a rush or just don’t feel like cooking. But, I am never going to use those packets of condiments that are left over. We see them all the time in the fridges of clients. The same holds true for salt and pepper packets in the cupboards. Rather than trying to save a penny or two keep your kitchen clean and organized and toss them out!
Do you dare take a look in your junk drawer?
ClutterBGone has seen it all in junk drawers. Do you really need all those elastics, pieces of string, plastic forks and other useless items? I realize the need for a drawer to keep miscellaneous items (I don’t like the term junk drawer) but many people use this drawer as a drop point for items that will never see the light of day again. Make a point of going through this drawer several times a year and throw out what hasn’t been used since the last clean out.
Old electronics
Let’s speak to something all men can relate to. I’m not just talking single men but to all the husband’s out there as well. Many of you hold onto old electrical cords knowing you will find a use for it later but, you never do. What about that collection of TV remotes you’re holding onto? Cell phones too. Why hang onto the older technology when the reason we upgrade is for the newer technology? Recycle or donate these items. You know you’ll never use them again, so why not give it to someone who will.
Small appliances
If you have any small kitchen appliances that no longer work I implore you to toss, recycle or donate them. You’re not going to suddenly enroll in a repair class and if they no longer work, why have them take up the space?
Reading material
We find older editions of magazines and newspapers in a lot of our clients’ homes. The rule of thumb is to toss out the previous issue when the new one comes in. If two editions have not been read by the time the third edition arrives it may be time to think about cancelling your subscription to save the money and avoid clutter. There’re so many other ways now to stay informed besides printed copies.
These are just a few of the many pieces of clutter that ClutterBGone has seen in many homes. We know what to look for and can help you keep your home organized and clutter free. Just contact us here to see how ClutterBGone has assisted others in the GTA.