organized bedroom

Tips To An Organized Bedroom Space

Your bedroom is the first thing you will see every morning, and the last thing you see every night. An organized bedroom will help you sleep, put you in a better state of mind, and help you get your days (and nights!) started on the right foot.

If you’re ready to de-clutter your bedroom and turn it into a beautiful, serene, and organized place, here are some top tips on how to do so.

Organized Bedroom Tip 1: De-clutter Your Bedroom

Even the cleanest bedroom will look chaotic if you simply have too much stuffed into drawers and bursting out of your closet. Go through your clothing, shoes, and accessories – and be honest with yourself. Does it fit? Have you ever worn it? Are the tags still on and you bought it 2 years ago?

Donate the items you have never used, haven’t worn in years, or don’t like anymore. If it’s too stained or damaged to donate, start a toss pile. You’ll probably also find stuff that actually doesn’t belong in your room. You can put them in a pile to take to the correct room after you’re done in the bedroom.

Reducing the amount of ‘stuff’ you have will make finding the ‘stuff’ you truly love easier – and will also help you better organize what’s left.

donate clothes to declutter

Organized Bedroom Tip 2: Improve Storage Efficiency

Do you know what’s lurking under your bed? Storage units like roll-out drawers under your bed can help you turn this space into extra storage for off-season clothing, extra bed linens, or other items you don’t use very often.

If you’re planning on updating your bed frame, choosing one that has a storage unit for the head board can add space for books, pictures, and other decorative items.

There are lots of wonderful ways you can add more space for storage, such as laundry bags that hang from the back of your door, to hanging shoe organizers. Figure out what you need more space for, and check out the many options available.

bedroom storage

Organized Bedroom Tip 3: Put Things Away Neatly

Once you’ve de-cluttered and gained more storage space, fold your clothing as you put it away, and store your lose items neatly in boxes. You’ll be able to fit more in if things are put away properly. It will look better – and you’ll feel better about it too.

Organized Bedroom Tip 4: Detail Your Vanity Top

Our night stands, vanities, and other bedroom surfaces tend to pile up with clutter quickly. Clearing them off and making them beautiful will not only make your bedroom a more pleasant place to sleep, it’ll make you less likely to clutter it up again.

Ideas for beautiful vanity top organizers include displays for your jewelry, decorative boxes, or nice baskets. You can get creative with what you choose to put on top of your vanity, including DIY items as well as those available at shops.

It takes time to make a bedroom beautiful again. It didn’t get disorganized overnight, and it isn’t going to be perfect in just one day either. Take your time sorting out the bedroom, and break it up into small pieces if you need to. Even a small amount of progress will make you feel better about your room, and better about yourself too.

And of course – if you need a little extra guidance and support – we are just a phone call away!

decluttering for beginners

Decluttering Guide For Beginners

Tired of your cluttered home and dreaming of starting afresh? We hope this decluttering guide for beginners will allow you to enjoy your home in style!

Start With Storage Spaces

Before you start decluttering rooms you need to make space in your storage areas. This can include the garage, basement, attic, cupboards, closets, wardrobes, and anywhere else you have things hiding away! This is an easy place to start clearing out possessions that are just gathering dust in storage. On top of this, you’ll need to have fresh space to start storing and re-organizing your home. Trust us, you’ll appreciate the extra space once you start decluttering!

decluttering your home

Make Piles

Decluttering can be an overwhelming process and unless you have a professional organizer at your side, it can be tiring work. On top of this, decluttering can also be emotional too. It’s difficult to say goodbye to our possessions. For many of us, there will be things we want to keep; some we want to clear away, and then a lot that will be in-between. Do you want to keep it or not? This is where the pile method comes in! Start a pile for the things you are keeping and then another for the items that you’re not sure of. This is the “maybe” pile and you can come back to this later. You don’t need to make the hard decisions all at once. For the things, you’re definitely getting rid of have bags ready to store them in.

Be Prepared

Before you start decluttering you need to be prepared. We recommend purchasing extra strength garbage-bags and some cleaning products. Also, make sure you have a selection of storage boxes, and paper and pen to jot down notes. By starting prepared and ready to go the decluttering process will be more seamless and simple.

Many Hands Make Light Work

Decluttering may seem like a simple job, but once you get started it’s easy to get snowed under the sheer amount of things to do! If possible, ask some friends or family to come over and help with your de-cluttering. You can even make it fun and offer some pizza and drinks afterward! This is a great way to make the process more fun, simple, and quick.

Donate To Charity

After you have finished decluttering donate your unwanted possessions to charity. However, make sure you get in touch with local charities first to see if they accept donations. You may need to do a few trips to get rid everything. Keep in mind that you should only donate items that are in good shape, anything beyond use should be disposed of beforehand.

When you’re decluttering make sure you take your time. It’s important to go at your own pace and keep motivated. After you’ve finished, sit back, relax, and enjoy your brand new space! If you need a little extra support, we here at ClutterBGone are here for you! Contact us today for a consultation.

How to Begin Decluttering When Feeling Overwhelmed

How to Begin Decluttering When Feeling Overwhelmed

The clutter that accumulates in our homes can easily get out of hand leaving us to feel defeated,
distressed and overwhelmed. Clutter adds to our daily stressors and is an external expression
of our internal state of mind. When we are already struggling; becoming motivated to declutter is
a daunting task but it is one that will help you to feel calmer and more in control of your life.

Make decluttering easy on yourself with these easy steps.

Starting Small

Planning to declutter does not mean that it has to be done in one hour or one day. Set yourself
up for success by setting 15 minutes of decluttering activity. When the time is up, stop and
move on to another activity. 15 minutes of decluttering daily will give you the results you want How to Begin Decluttering When Feeling Overwhelmed
without feeling overwhelmed.


Make a plan; is there one room that needs really, really needs to be decluttered? Consider
starting there and the other spaces will follow. Block time in your calendar for this activity.

Enlist Support

Calling on a friend or family member for help is a great idea. They can help us stay on track,
they make the process much more fun. As friends and family have less sentimental attachment
to our stuff they can also help to provide perspective on whether or not an item really needs to
be kept, donated or tossed. A professional organizer is also worth considering as they have
many tips and tricks to make decluttering easier and efficient.

Distract Yourself

Not from the clutter but from the task. Listen to uplifting music, podcasts or audiobooks while
you work on the area you want to declutter. You may find that this is helpful and allows you to
accomplish so much more than you had originally intended.

Celebrate Success

Consider setting a date for a party or get together to celebrate your new decluttered space.
Not only does this give you something to look forward to it can also motivate you to stick to your
plan and accomplish the mission.

You will feel so much better when your home is a place of peace and comfort, a true escape
and safehaven from the chaotic world around all of us.

Remember, we here at ClutterBGone make it our mission to help alleviate the stresses that clutter can create. Call us for a consultation to see if hiring a professional organizer is right for you!